Questions about Film School?
Question by : Questions about Film School?
I have an immense passion for movies, and I love writing and directing my own movies. I feel that I have talent when it comes to writing. I want to go to Film School after I get out of high school. Anyways I have a few questions. I live in British Columbia Canada and is there any good film schools I could attend that would be close to where I live and that would help enhance my Writing and Directing passion? (The Writing and Directing is important) And if so what are the grade requirements for this school? Also is Film School good for setting up a future in making movies? How long would The Film School be? If you can answer at least one of these questions that would be very helpful! Thanks!
Best answer:
Answer by mark20m
Actually Film school grade requirements are depend on the story of the movie itself. If it contains of high language level, so it may focus on advance or high grade level, and vice versa. and setting up a future will be very useful to increase the students view about what they are going to do in the future to make or to not make it real. and finally, it will be better if the length of the movie is not too long, it is perhaps about an hour and half or less due to students curious.
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