Questions about gaming PC?
Question by lspocool: Questions about gaming PC?
OK so I want to get a gaming likey a laptop so i can use it on the go but might go for desktop. Anyway I have a few questions. I am going to be using it for new games like crysis2 but still some older games like sims 2.
Q1.Wich one is would be the best value for money but still preform well (I listed above what I will be playing on it)
Q2.Can I use it like a normal PC Like surf the web, make word documents.wach dvds
Q3.Can I run other progams on it besides game e.g windows movie maker, virual basics.
Q4. What are the Pros and Cons of getting a gaming laptop compared to a desktop
1.what is the best value for money and still work
Best answer:
Answer by Omar D
The best gaming laptop is one that you build yourself, either by picking out the individual part and putting them together yourself or customizing a PC or laptop online from a website like Dell’s Alienware. Customizing through a website will always be a bit more expensive than putting all the elements together, but it helps if you don’t know how or are unsure on how to do that.
Basically any gaming PC/laptop will still be able to do anything and everything that other standard PC’s/laptops do, only better.
If you think you can built it yourself, check out That site will provide you with everything you need to build a gaming PC (cases/towers, power supplies, hard drives, gfx cards, sound cards. etc.) If you’re looking to get a gaming laptop or you don’t want to deal with the hassle of building it yourself, you can always go for an Alienware gaming laptop or PC.
Keep in mind, pre-built gaming PC’s/laptops will always be more expensive than if you build it yourself. Hope it helps.
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