Questions about Sony Vegas Movie Studio Platinum 9 Please help!?
Question by laxplaya143: Questions about Sony Vegas Movie Studio Platinum 9 Please help!?
I just have 3 questions.
Does this software have the ability to slow down and speed up parts of the footage?
I’m going to be making montages for youtube and i’m going to be needing to be able to watch a quick video and delete it or save it. Will I be able to delete mass videos with ease?
Does this software have a narration tool?
Thanks for your help!
I’d like to alos add, does this work with Windows 7?
Best answer:
Answer by Bert Werd
Hey, I’m a Vegas Pro user. Almost certain you can slow down and speed up the playback rate of any clip in Movie Studio just like you can in Vegas Pro. I address doing so in a blog I wrote about creating a VCR-like rewind effect:
It’s simply pressing Ctrl, then using your mouse to grab the end of the clip: shorten it to increase the playback speed; lengthen the clip to decrease the playback rate, thereby slowing it.
Do you know how to download video hosted on the Internet, and then convert into an accepted format for your editor? Here’s a blog post I wrote about a workflow for creating “fan” videos for YouTube, similar to what you’re talking about doing:
By narration tool, do you mean creating a voice-over on your video? With the ability to add multiple audio tracks in Sony Vegas, you absolutely can create “narration.” When doing the audio for my screen capture tutorial videos, I record to my camcorder. I import the video file into the media bin, then separate the audio from the video, then add it as a layer above or below my screen clip. Here’s how to do that:
Here’s a fan video I made for YouTube, featuring montages of clips and voice-over–and Jean-Claude Van Damme!
I know I threw a lot stuff at you here–trying to help as much as I can. Any further questions, leave a comment at my blog and I’ll get back to you. Love doing this stuff and am always pumped to connect with someone similarly interested.
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