Raging Bull- What Makes it a “Great” Movie?
Question by usaman345: Raging Bull- What Makes it a “Great” Movie?
I finally had the opportunity to watch this movie. Many critics consider Raging Bull to be one of the best, if not the best, movies of all-time. I believe that the American Film Institute ranks the move in its top 10. It was nominated for Best Picture, and Robert DeNiro won the Best Actor award.
I liked the movie, but didn’t love it. I thought Deniro was great and very believable as LaMotta.
I ask the forum this question: Why is this movie considered “great?” Again, I enjoyed the movie, but do not have the tools necessary to determine what makes a great movie, aside from shear entertainment value.
Was it the black and white? Was it the camera angles and the cinematography? Was it the acting or the storyline? Or, a combination of all this?
Using Raging Bull as an example, what exactly makes a movie great? I’m hoping the answer will enhance my movie-watching experience and make me think about things that I haven’t thought about before. I want to move beyond enjoying movies for pure entertainment and turn an eye towards the “artsy” (for lack of a better term), historical or analytical side of film.
I know this may sound silly, but I appreciate the help in improving my move-watching experience. Now let’s get the popcorn!
Best answer:
Answer by Matthew B
Um some of the things that make it a great movie are
The Acting
The Interactiosn between characters
The Cinematography
The Amazing Film Editing
The Musical Score
The Realism
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!