Reality is software generated, and each of us is a networked computer. Can you prove otherwise?
Question by Shannon W: Reality is software generated, and each of us is a networked computer. Can you prove otherwise?
Not that I endorse this idea, but it is good food for thought.
There really is no way to disprove this. All of our perceptions are based on electrical impulses. We think we are looking at the world, but we are prisoners inside of our heads, and all of our reality is based on our senses, all electrical. Our eyes are antenna picking up electromagnetic waves, which are projected upside down on a grid of receptors. These receptors turn this info into electrical impulses and carry it to our brains, and our brains decipher the signals and try to make something meaningful out of it. We already know that sight and sound can be electrically reproduced and stored in our reality, so who can say that the sights and sounds that we take as real are not synchronized software? Yes, sounds like the Matrix, but much of the original Matrix movie was based on old philosophy.
Google “brain in a vat” and prepare to be enlightened.
Best answer:
Answer by lefang
you think therfore you are. if you are a computer and your reality is generated,what of a fish, are you its reality, in its complexity the matrix did not show you the reality from a fly or a fish perspective, we know they see us and thier surroundings, becaue they react to them. are they and we projected software created reality, what you are stating is disprovable, the theory of evolution, darwin and einstien and my granny, she quoted this saying all the time, little fleas have lesser fleas upon their backs to bite em, lesser fleas have smaller fleas, and so to invinitum. regards LF
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