Requesting permission to use “We Thank You “in our program.?
Question by Tippy MIller: Requesting permission to use “We Thank You “in our program.?
I am asking permission to use the song “We Thank You” from your TOP 25 SONGS OF FAITH AND FREEDOM 4 KIDS album
in our second grade school program. It is going to be a program about the beginning of our country and the role service people play in our freedom. This is a low budget project and I will be writing the script myself.
Also, if the children do well in singing their songs, I would like to record their voices on a CD and let them purchase them at $ 5.00 each for their own use. We would expect to sell about
30 – 40 CDs.
Would you give us permission to do that as well?
Thank you very much for considering my request.
Sincerely yours
Laura Stephens
Music Teacher at Tierra Blanca Elementary School
Hereford, Texas
Best answer:
Answer by amy23
Sure, I give you permission. Have fun!
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