“RuneZoneYT” false DMCA
I’ve got my account back: www.youtube.com A huge thanks to all of the support! Still pending a “copyright” against it but I’ll be sorting that out with YouTube in the near future. Damien’s failed attempt to sell YouTube partnership for cash to an RS private server forum: www.rune-server.org About my friend: i8.photobucket.com Lasting memories: i8.photobucket.com What is DMCA?: en.wikipedia.org “DMCA has been criticized for making it too easy for copyright owners to encourage website owners to take down allegedly infringing content and links which may in fact not be infringing” Thanks for the support! dukeneedles: www.youtube.com likethelegos: www.youtube.com , www.youtube.com saxdude1234: www.youtube.com xbaseballboyz1x: www.youtube.com embvideos: www.youtube.com spj18: www.youtube.com nickolas1198: www.youtube.com ubercatattack: www.youtube.com madbaddog05: www.youtube.com rfc2oo7: www.youtube.com rsgbx: www.youtube.com vlogsryan: www.youtube.com jackallink: www.youtube.com ashleyisonyt: www.youtube.com sabinferno: www.youtube.com playersvsn00bs: www.youtube.com poopcoolman: www.youtube.com bizzyjvlogs: www.youtube.com spingmold: www.youtube.com mrepicnub: www.youtube.com spaghettiisfob : www.youtube.com run3scap3m3rching: www.youtube.com whiperzpk: www.youtube.com hdhawkyyy: www.youtube.com candyscl : www.youtube.com stagepker: www.youtube.com haydesj: www.youtube.com aussiepridepkers: www.youtube.com bidoofscape: www.youtube.com martenmarers: www.youtube.com daniiielzz …

One year after The PEN Story we present our second stop motion project: 355 pictures have been taken, printed in billboard size and shot again. The video was produced with the Olympus PEN itself. No tricks or computer animation at all. Special thanks to Takeuchi Taijin for his support and direction. We hope you enjoy it! Free song download and making-of story available at olympus.eu/PENGiant.