Sales Scripts That Share WHY A Prospect Should Use Your Product or Services
Sales Scripts That Share WHY A Prospect Should Use Your Product or Services
Bad sales scripts start by talking about your company or product. Average sales scripts talk about benefits that your product or service could provide. Great sales scripts get the prospect to see WHY they should continue to listen to you.
It is a rare occurrence when people evaluate the scripts they use on the phone or in face to face meetings. More often, when a sales professional goes on a drought of sales they blame the prospect. They might even blame their company for not providing a new “feature” that everyone seems to want. Instead of blaming your company or your prospects, consider changing your approach with your prospects.
People don’t like to be told what to do. Maybe it’s a resistance from childhood where teachers and parents always told us what we could and couldn’t do. The bottom line is that your prospects don’t want to