Same actors for the movie New Moon ?
Question by Alexandra O: Same actors for the movie New Moon ?
So I was listening to mix 96 this morning : Canada’s number one radio station. And they usually are not the type who say rumors about celebrities or what ever.. they say the real deal you know..!
So I am a huge twilight fan ( book and movie ) and LOVE Edward Cullen (L). Anyways so for those who didn’t know New Moon will be out Next November.. But the thing is that as soon as my mom dropped me out of school , they said that sadly there is one male from Twilight who will not be starring in New Moon either because he is too young or old. Of course, my mother and her memory.. well she forgot the name, But I am worried that it is Edward , I hope not, that’s what I want to know!!!? I also have a huge guess for Taylor Lantern ( I think its how you spell it ) who plays the role of Jacob Black. I’ve once heard it wont be him because he wont have the ” body ” to turn into a werewolf but I also heard that he started working out so that he can keep the role but who knows?!
So I just wanted to make sure.. Anybody know who’s leaving…100%??!
Best answer:
Answer by willywonka14
They were talking about Taylor Lautner, but that’s just a rumor right now.
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