Serious questions: Would you like it to happen to you like it’s happening in Syria?

Question by : Serious questions: Would you like it to happen to you like it’s happening in Syria?

If all of this is true and is not a “Wag the Dog” thing–remember the Dustin Hoffman, Kirsten Dunst movie?–then why is the United States and United Nations doing nothing? Because there is no OIL in Syria?

I know that there must be something cooking in Denmark–well not Denmark, but in Israel and the Pentagon just as we speak–but still finding a shred of proof that there are nuclear plants in the making in Syria is, let’s say somewhat hard to do. And in any case, Israel might go at it alone once again. But just to wipe off the map whatever they think the Syrians are making in the way of nuclear.

But us, as human beings, as citizens of the world, shouldn’t we be protesting these savage killings done to the Syrian people by Bashar Al-Assad? Why don’t we write our senators, our President? Why don’t we go en masse in front of the United Nations?

Wouldn’t we love someone doing something for us if we were to find ourselves the way the Syrian people is “supposed” to find themselves in? I say suppose because nowadays with the Media being next to zero and most of the news been a monopoly in which many news sources just describe verbatim what most others are saying, and recalling what former secretary of defense Mr. Rumsfeld said few years back, in which many things “were going to be said which were not necessarily the truth, so as to confuse our enemies”, we can never be too sure of what’s going on…..Only days ago all newscasters were reporting “at least 30 dead and dismembered bodies near Houston, Texas”, when in fact no such thing was happening.

Never mind that some police officials were saying this with any proof first and that local channels in Houston were repeating (which is only logical if coming from the police’s mouth), but that even while everything settled and it was explained no bodies were there, many newscasters still had this news up following day. And worse yet there were some people from the public who kept insisting the police never said anything!

Whichever is the case in Syria, or anywhere else, including with our own huge problems here in the U.S.A., the public has a right to know. And we must demand answers from those who govern us.

Best answer:

Answer by Tim Griffin
I am afraid that hundred of thousands in Syria will be dead until the world and the presidents of the world speak loudly and take actions against Bashar Al-Assad and his militias. The killing and arresting and torturing of innocent Syrian civilians is happening daily and specially in Friday’s. I don’t know why the arab leaders are afraid of at least speaking or defending their brothers and sisters in Syria, Also the west ones.

God be with Syrian in their battle with the Butcher and his militias.

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