Seven Tips For Small Business Branding


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with espresso and foamed milk and just like that your in the Forbes 500. It would be wise to consider this possibility and create your brand accordingly. If you are going to grow, your brand message and image will need to accommodate that growth.

3. Speak Your Customer’s Language

?If you are a stand-up comedian, you better know what kind of room you are working that night. Comedy that kills in San Francisco might just possibly get a good Texas-Style Butt-Kicking in Dallas.

You’ve got to know your audience. More importantly, you’ve got to know what will work for them, what will turn them off and what will make them sit up and take notice. This really is marketing 101: Match the message to the audience. The message may shift over time, but the voice you use should not. If the voice must change or evolve, it should only do so when necessary and after a good

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