Should I be getting a Macbook?
Question by Tim W: Should I be getting a Macbook?
I am still in school (Junior high) so I don’t need it for work or anything. I use the computer a lot for internet surfing, playing games, using flash, and making movies and art. I do this a lot and spend a lot of my time on my PC, but it doesnreallyaly satisfy my wants. I was looking at a macbook because it can run both windows and mac, as well it has a few interesting programs that I wanted to check out.
So, should I buy a macbook or stick with my PC (which is rather slow and keeps getting tracking cookies every hour or so)
Best answer:
Answer by Christopher Robin
It depends on your finances mostly and how badly you want to try those programs you mention. Since you don’t name them I’m not sure if there are PC equivalent programs or not. Two things to keep in mind in your case:
1. If your PC is not performing up to your expectations they are cheap and easy to upgrade and will certainly cost a lot less than getting a macbook.
2. Macs nowadays ARE PC’s.
They use Intel for the processor ATI for the videocards etc etc… nearly the same “under the hood” so to speak as a PC. It’s really just the tightly integrated operating system and software, the distinctive shell/case styling (many macs are very unusual in shape and color) and the price (macs are overpriced compared to a PC) that separate them.
Also worth noting is while Macs are somewhat less suseptible to viruses and spyware/malware they are by no means immune.
Oh yeah and Macs aren’t worth a dam for gaming heh.
Edit: James Girl if by conk out you mean hardware failure then I have to call bunk… they use the SAME hardware (although with macs you get no choice in your parts i.e. your mac has the same specs as everyone elses mac) these days as PC’s.
Used to be Macs had PowerPC (ironic name) processors made by Freescale and IBM but they were seriously underpowered and overpriced and always lost in benchmarks to a comparable PC build, EVEN when running benchmarks taylor made for macs, so they moved to Intel and now they are just overpriced. :p
Trust me on this Apple does NOT make it’s own hard drives video cards etc they use the same parts as a PC they just charge you more for them… a lot more.
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