Sims 2 movie making!??
Question by jukebox1104: Sims 2 movie making!??
okay i know how to use the movie camera but how do you people get it perfect and like don’t have the little wants panel, so help!!!
Also i have seen like fairy’s and fighting, how do you get that!!!
Best answer:
Answer by Coolie Girl
HEY! Before I tell you this keep in mind that it takes practice and time to improve. You first video wil suck compared to the one you make 1 year later. I do videos myself. Great and fun hobby
This is my videos test for an upcoming series. Just exploring the effects on sny vegas.
NOW,SOME DIRECTIONS!-Ok, It can be sorta complicated at first but here we go.
1:If you want, you can download custom made objects like hair and skintones at I warn you, it can be extreemly complicated at first to figure out how to download stuff. You must read and follow the directions very carefully or you can forget about getting any custom made stuff. I was sooo lazy,i didn’t even read the guide. So,it took me like three weeks to decide to read it.
2:IN NEIGHBORHOOD VEIW, turn on boolProp. this is a incredibully usefull cheat as you can’t possibly make a good video without this cheat.To do this type in boolProp TestingCheatsEnabled true in the neighborhood veiw.Then while you are in the actual game,hold shift and click on any random sim. You will get a menue with a bunch of options. Click on spawn and the most usefull cheats are the tombstone of l&d,and paul’s reaction tester.
3:In the game,turn off freewill when you are in the sims 2 game. Sims will wander off and do stupid stuff if you don’t.
4:click on options and then click on the camera icon. Turn the video quality setting to high.Turn the video record sound off. Turn video capture size to medium.
5:There is a camera icon in the part where they show your sim’s status. You can press that to record or you can press “v” on your keyboard.
6:edit the video with windows movie should come with windows. oR YOU CAN USE ANOTHER MORE PROFESIONAL PROGRAM. I USE SONY VEGAS NOW.
That is it! here are usefull tips to help.
-Use LOTS of cheats and hacks.
-Use custom made stuff to make people go,”WOW,how did they get her hair like that?”
-Turn off the floaty dimond thingy by typing in,plumbbobToggle off
-Turn off the speech bubbles by typing in,showHeadlines off
-Simply zoom in to get close-ups
-Watch a lot of sims videos to get new ideas,But stay origanal
-Vist sims 2 webisites to learn stuff I don’t even know.
-don’t get lazy! try your best!
Hope I helped. E-mail me if you still need help with anything sims related.
I also have a youtube website with my sims movies on it. i’d rather you e-mail me to that instead.
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