Sims 3 Ideas?
Question by ♥MiiSzAshley: Sims 3 Ideas?
– Sims have more age levels baby-toddler-kid-preteen-teenager-young adult- adult-elder ( with more days in them)
– Toddlers can now go anywhere with the family (in the car, and anywhere else with a stroller and car seat)
– Bigger Houses
– You can now watch Teenagers and kids go to school ( have there schedule, make there classes, have teachers, principals, and classamates, lunch time, recess for kids, study hall, and subjects)
– Sims can now drink when there eating
– Sim Teens and kids can have projects and reports due on a certain date
– Sim Teens, kids, and young adults can get grounded from parents
– When buying clothes, its not in big amount of money ( like a top is $ 200, make it like $ 20)
– More variety of food ( and more specifty)
– Sims can now lay on there bed doing there homework or watching tv ( on stomach)
– Sims can now visit neighbors and friends by walking or by car
– When at the grocery, can get specific food like (eggs, milk, water, snacks, frozen food seperatly) in a caridge and a toddler seat incase toddler is along.
– Other sims can now contact there friends or family with a cellphone when there not home
– More Realistic Jobs ( Eye doctor, gynecologist, singer, song writer, producer..)
– More Aspirations
– You can now actually make food from scratch instead of watching your sims do it themselves.
– Sims can now have real sicknesses ( Cold, Fever, etc.)
– More realistic (functional) objects ( printer, flower pots, drawers, cell phones, etc.)
– They can drink bottled water
– They can go to the mall with friends or family together ( with more people in it. Instead of like 5 sims, make it 50 sims plus npc’s.)
– Sims can go get there hair done and nails
– There can be amusement parks ( carnivals, fun places) with FUNCTIONAL rides ( bumper carts, ferries wheels, rollercoasters, and other places)
– Real Fast Food Resturants- Mcdonald, Burger King, Wendys, and others. ( With EDIBLE FUNCTIONING FOOD)
– Sims can now customize their hair styles ( Girls= Hairbands, ponytail, curly, straight ( with curly iron or FUNCTIONING hair tools) Guys= haircut styles)
– Sims can now have doctor and dentist appointments ( functioning and real seeing when having tooth pulled or having a shot)
– Sim teenagers can now go through adolensence ( Liking others, making choices, etc.)
– In Building mode= sims can have skylights to houses, more gardening tools, etc.)
– Sims who have cars can now fill there cars with gas at the gas station when tank is empty
– Parents can now teach there sims how to drive ( age stages= teenage to young adult)
– Sim Adults can now play the lottery to win million to a billion dollars
– Sims can go to movie theaters ( LIVE AND FUNCTIONING) can buy popcorn, drinks, or anything with friends, family or all together
– Can have a DVD Player and buy rentals at movie stores
– In the summer sim kids to young adults can have summer vacation for 3 weeks in sim time.
– The clock is now in minutes instead of seconds (except when there sleeping time goes to seconds and speeds up till morning)
– When sims wake up at 6:00am, it is now morning instead of at 7:00am
– Sims can have braces when going to the dentist
– Sims can have a walk-in-closet
– Sims can now live in a culdesac (round circle or dead end with houses around) or in a private driveway (with a neighbor at the otherside)
– More realistic skin tones
– When a sim mom is pregnant can now rush to a hospital instead of giving birth standing up
– Sims can live in apartments (functional and paying rent)
– Sims who are in school or college can now choose after school activites (see next idea)
– After School Activites= HipHop Dance Class, Step, Choir, Chess, Art, fashion, sports, etc….)
– Sims can celebrate hoildays on there sim calender! ( Halloween, Thanksgiving, Easter, Christmas, New Years, St.Patrick, and more) (or make an expansion pack for that)
– Sims can eat ice cream during summer and spring
– Can now choose more specific clothing ( have a tie, this or that pants, etc..)
– More split-leveled houses
– Sims can now have an ethnictiy and race ( Black, African, Spanish, Irish, Russian, Asian, You name it!)
– Sims couples can now go on anniversarys every time there marriadge day comes
– Sims have functional bicycles, scooters, skateboards, bus)
-**Most Important** have seasons, pets, vacations, and colleges too like Sims 2 (can be expansion packed, or in the game all together)
– Sim couples who are married can now get divorced and sim couples who are bf and gf can break up anytime
– Can have lawyers
– Health Insurance
– When Sims Sleepover can now have the option to make your guest sleep instead of them staying up all night
– Sims have the choice to smoke or not ( Teenagers can experience that in adolensence.)
– Have REAL SPECFIC FUNCTIONING STORES= Walmart, Target, Best Buy, Toys-R-Us (Dosen’t Have to have those names but have those kind of stuff)
– Toddlers can now go to daycare instead of being home with nanny
– Sims who are still in school must go through their grades ( Preschool=Toddler, 1st-6th=Kids , 7th-9th= PreTeens, 10th-12th=Teenagers, College= YoungAdults.)
– When going on vacation you can now see your sims in the airplane traveling still controlling them.
– Have Freckles depending on your ethnecity or race.
– When sims who are in school comes home with homework they have diffrent subjects to complete (Math, English, Social Studies, etc..) And can actually help them with the homework
– When a sim dies can have a funeral.
– When its a sim’s b-day can go to places like the amusement parks or resturants instead of having a party at home. ( And functional ability to have gifts from friends and family)
What do you guys think of this? And where can i tell maxis about these ideas?
Best answer:
Answer by PokemonMaster
wicked well go to a or then send tht message to them
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