Sims 3 World Adventures- How to Make a Mummy

PLEASE READ BEFORE WATCHING THIS VIDEO! First of all, you cannot do this cheat if you don’t have World Adventures. I have gotten messages from people telling me they can’t do the cheat . . . and have found out afterwards that all of them didn’t have the expansion pack. Obviously, you CAN’T DO THIS CHEAT WITHOUT WORLD ADVENTURES. You can’t even make a mummy without the expansion pack. Make sure you keep your sim in the sarcophagus for longer than just an hour. Keep him there for a night, or, if you use the testingcheatsenabled true cheat you can keep him in there for a whole day or more by keeping all his vital stats up except for his energy stat. If his athletic skill is not increasing while he is there then the tomb is somehow not working for your sim. (Maybe if they have the lucky trait they can’t become mummies, but I haven’t experimented with that yet.) While they are in the sarcophagus get their athletic level up to at least a three and eventually they will become a mummy. If messages appear after a normal looking sim comes out of the coffin saying “Sim so-and-so feels strong but weird about the sarcophagus” then you are doing it right and just keep trying. Answers to some common questions: Yes, you can make teen mummies. Yes, you can make mummy ghosts. Mummies can’t have children. You cannot make mummy children. You can find the sarcophagus fragments by searching the tombs. You need testingcheatsenabled true in order to use the buydebug cheat. Testingcheatsenabled
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