Some questions about writing a book/movie?
Question by Cody: Some questions about writing a book/movie?
So, I wrote a short book when I was a kid(well, like a 200 page book… I wrote for a year and a half Straight), but anyway!
I am currently rewriting it(I had a lack of detail, eight different names for one person, and a whole lot of random stuff). And one day my Intermedia Production teacher told us about a program that can make 3D movies. So I got to thinking about making it into a movie or short film series.
I was just wondering about a few things:
-How should I go about writing a book? I just kind of wrote when I was a kid, but this time I want to do it right.
-What should I include detail wise when creating a character bio?
-Should I create a character bio?
-What should I know before starting to write again? I heard of some random guy getting sued over copyright infringement or something from a series he’d never heard of.
-Any advice/experience anyone can offer me?
Best answer:
Answer by Cherish Z
Wow first of all bravo on deciding to rewrite something that even though you wrote it when you were a kid it was still hard work and takes passion.
I am not sure if I can answer all your questions. But I will try, I have been writing since I was 16 but recently (quite a few years later) I am trying to finish a young adult novel to be published.
I would do a character bio, it doesn’t have to be technical just write down what your character likes, dislikes, where do they live, who is their family, what is their main goal or passion in this story.
You could write down same kind of info for minor characters too.
I don’t know much about copyright infringement, but you can do online search for stories similar to what you are writing.
Later when stoy pollished you could try to get a literary agent who can help more with copyright issues.
For publishing books their are several books to help find a publisher one of them is: 2010 Children’s Writer’s & Illustrator’s Market.
There is also market books for other fiction and non-fiction writing.
Now for screenwriting to make it a movie, I am not sure if there are market books. I know there are guide books out there for style and even a Screenwriting for Dummies.
I would look in local library and Book store reference section.
Good luck and I hope I helped a little,
Good luck
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