Sony DCRHC52 for movie making?
Question by save_thetrees: Sony DCRHC52 for movie making?
I’ve been planning on buying a camera for making short films. Nothing too fancy, but I’d like them to be a decent quality. I’ve never owned a camera before and this one has had good reviews. I was wondering if anyone has used this camera for movie making and what they thought of it? Pros/Cons, etc.?
Thank you!
Best answer:
Answer by Colorful L
Sony DCRHC52 is good for price.
– the quality of the images are excellent
– the ease of use is excellent
– the compactness of the camera is excellent
– the battery life is excellent.
– the auto focus and auto exposure has been very good
– The LCD panel is excellent, and is still quite satisfactory in bright light.
– the optical view finder is very poor
– the camcorder is not compatible with a usb cable so you cannot connect it to a computer
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