Starting a Business Goals, Costs

Video from our FREE Online Business Course Session 1 – Evaluating Business Potential Question “What would your top recommendations be for people just starting out in business?” Gwyn Myers, Ph. D. Management Consultant Topics covered in this video: Business goals, costs, revenue, networking, persistence Transcript: Number one would be to make sure that you have a goal and that you are determined to make that goal–that nothing is going to stop you. There are going to be so many valleys that you are going to go through, but that you are absolutely determined to make it. And I think that it shown over and over that persistence is the key to really starting a business and sticking with it and making it successful. The second thing that I would tell them is a well known business fact: revenue is on the outside, costs are on the inside. So spend as much time as you can on the outside during the times that people to going to listen to you: spreading your message, networking and finding out what people need. And maybe it’s going to be evening hours, early morning hours or weekend hours that you devote the time internally to get yourself organized to set up that infrastructure and get going. So one thing is persistence and the second is get out there where the revenue is and make sure it’s coming in.

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