Stephenie Meyer’s “The Host” To Be Made Into Film – Follow Us! Stephanie Meyer has yet another book to be made into a film. It’s not another in the Twilight series, but we’ve got the info right now. Hi everyone. You’ve reached Clevver TV and I’m Dana Ward with the details on the new adaptation from Stephanie Meyer. It’s the author’s first adult novel to be made into a movie and it’s called The Host. The somewhat sci-fi love drama got published in May 2008 and after many bid rejections, The Host finally found a home with 3 producers. According to reports, producers are dipping into their personal funds to acquire the rights to the book, just in time for cross-genre writer, Andrew Niccol to sign on as screenwriter and director. Apparently, that connection came shortly after Meyer named some of his projects, such as Gattaca and The Truman Show, as being some of her favorite sci-fi-related films. As far as the storyline for The Host goes, it’s about a species of emotion-feeling aliens called ‘souls’ invades the Earth and has taken control of the minds of nearly every human there. One extraterrestrials chooses to take over a person’s mind, yet the woman is able to maintain part-control and the two become a team, setting off on a journey to find the woman’s love who’s in hiding as one of the last humans to remain in control of his mind. You bet that this a totally different story that Meyer’s Twilight Saga, but I’m wondering if there will be any similarities. What do you think? And for you Twilight followers, are
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