Stop Being Smart, Be Dumb With Your Sales Scripts and Sell More
Stop Being Smart, Be Dumb With Your Sales Scripts and Sell More
Many sales professionals think that if they just show the prospect how smart they are they will get sales. If they can rattle off enough statistics, enough features and benefits then surely the prospect will see that they should take action, right?
Just consider for a moment that the newspapers are written at a 5th grade level. If they were written at the level of a PhD we might have to look up every other word! We would quickly get bored and throw the paper away. The editors understand that simple writing gets people to read and continue to buy the paper.
The same logic applies to your sales calls. Stop “wowing” prospects with statistics. Stop trying to impress them with the features of your services. The less you try to appear smart the greater your prospects will reach to you for help.
Now you can’t be a bumbling