Stop Sounding Like a “Script”, Double Your Sales With Natural Sales Scripts
Stop Sounding Like a “Script”, Double Your Sales With Natural Sales Scripts
Have you ever received a call from a telemarketer? Being a business owner or sales professional you might have had mercy on them and listened for a minute. It would be a painful minute though as you could tell the poor person was reading off of a piece of paper. They would have awkward pauses where their sales script told them to wait; they would stumble through some product features, and then have a “close”. Feeling their pain you probably let them down easily. After all you would only hope you don’t sound like that on the phone.
No one wants to sound rehearsed. You certainly don’t want to sound like a telemarketer when you are calling someone to invest in your product or service. Of course you also don’t want to have nice conversations that leave you hanging up the phone without getting a sale. Where is the balance?
The balance
strikes when you have natural conversations that get to the sale. Far too often people ditch sales scripts because they don’t want to sound like a “script” and they end up broke. On the other end of the pendulum you have the poor telemarketer who can’t make a sale because they sound robotic. To eliminate this frustration and get to the sale, I invite you to consider a change in your sales scripts.
A change in your sales scripts doesn’t mean memorizing, or inserting fake laughter. The change I want you to consider is eliminating statements from your conversations and transforming them into questions. No longer will you nervously pitch the benefits of your offering. No longer will you provide people comparisons of the competition. The less you sound like a sales person, the less rehearsed you sound the more you will sell.
Just take the
field of selling life insurance. Many agents in the field of selling insurance talk about the benefits of protecting one’s family, about the dollar amount of coverage, but the prospect isn’t really listening to you. Instead of telling them about life insurance, consider eliminating your sales scripts for interest piquing questions like the following:
Would you like to discover how to protect your family for just a month?
How would your family feel if they knew in the worst moment possible there was 1 million set aside for them?
Would it be worth 12 minutes of your time to determine how to ensure your family is always taken care of?
Instead of telling them about specific features or using terminology they don’t understand dig deep with questions that reach to their pain and watch your sales grow. The less you talk about your product or service the more they will
reach to you for help, insight and guidance.
Discover 67 interest piquing questions to ask regardless of your industry. No worry to sound rehearsed, just time to make more sales. Get started now with a FREE 5 day course (yes you can skip ahead) to double your sales –
Todd Bates is a national Marketing and Business coach. Through his programs, such as Todd Bates Systems, he shares innovative systems to help businesses owners and sales professionals dramatically grow their sales.
His systems cover a broad base from sales conversion to marketing on a budget. The strategies that he shares have enabled him to net over 1 million dollars a year since the age of 24.
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