Stressed to the max + pms + having panic/anxiety attacks! Any suggestions on how to deal?
Question by ButterfliesFlutterBy: Stressed to the max + pms + having panic/anxiety attacks! Any suggestions on how to deal?
So the last 5 years of my life have been a straight out movie script. The drama and trauma have taken their toll. I’m on Lexipro, it’s not working as well as it did in the begining. I know, I know, go to the doc. I just moved & have yet to find one & have been waiting for our health ins. to kick in (next month). Any ideas on how I can get thru the next 4-5 weeks?
Here’s a small clip to my living-movie…
Ended bad physical relationship>>>
Met my soulmate, got engaged, bought a house & found out we were pregnant =)
Went into early labor 3 days before our wedding
Emergency surgery 1 day before our wedding
Cancelled wedding & had a small service in the hospital
Son was born “extreme preemie” (3.5 mo early)
>>>this was our 1st year together<<<
Lived away from home 3 mo. while @ NICU w/baby
Finally all home, son is collicky for 2 months
Hubby forced to work 4 hours away for a year
2 miscarriages told "no more kids"
Just moved 4000+ miles away
In process of selling our house
Best answer:
Answer by zebo007
You mentioned your husband WAS forced to work 4 hours away. If that is no longer the case I recommend for you to take the child with you to your parents house (if possible) and let him sell the house.
Stray away for 4-5 weeks take a small vacation from the problems and once the 4-5 weeks are gone rent out an apartment with your husband and sell the house.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!