
Violence in the media – How does it affect families?

Question by metron98: Violence in the media – How does it affect families? You may think that those sexy sitcoms or violent dramas are just entertainment and shouldn’t really have serious effects. For any single show that’s probably correct,… Continue reading

Q&A: When making a sims 2 movie does the graphics card affect the quality of it?

Question by =D: When making a sims 2 movie does the graphics card affect the quality of it?

Best answer:

Answer by Jordan TI would think so. As is with many PC games.

What do you think? Answer below!

How do scripts on web pages affect the performance of the web page overall?

by kainr

Question by Sam: How do scripts on web pages affect the performance of the web page overall? how does it affect webpage perfromance. speed, load time, server capacity that sort of stuff thanks (for btec it diploma)… Continue reading

Q&A: I need some techniques or examples that the filmmakers use music in a movie to affect the audience.?

by shaun wong

Question by Mandy: I need some techniques or examples that the filmmakers use music in a movie to affect the audience.? Or use music to make us remember the interesting parts of the movie.

Best answer:… Continue reading

Is Kristen Stewart Reallt Pregnant If She Is Will This Affect Her From Making The Twilight Saga Movies?

Question by Diren: Is Kristen Stewart Reallt Pregnant If She Is Will This Affect Her From Making The Twilight Saga Movies? is she pregnant and if she is will this affect from making the movies of the twilight saga… Continue reading

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