
How Los Angeles Screenwriters Can Attract a Literary Agent! Screenwriters who are looking to sell their scripts, get an agent, and navigate the business of Hollywood should check out The Business of Show Institute Video Rating: 0 / 5

Ive written a movie script but i don’t have an agent?

by bloody marty mix

Question by Teenage Drama Queen: Ive written a movie script but i don’t have an agent? Ive looked on film companies and producers websites but none of them accept scripts or screenplays unless requested. Its… Continue reading

Does anyone know a good Literay agent the can help sell my Books or Scripts?

Question by azumifan1: Does anyone know a good Literay agent the can help sell my Books or Scripts? WL AGENCY IS A SCAM!

Best answer:

Answer by Aaren BGo to the bookstore and buy “WRITERS MARKET 2008” It… Continue reading

how do i find the right agent to help sell my movie script?


Question by jarednelums2000: how do i find the right agent to help sell my movie script?

Best answer:

Answer by =_èP1ç_=just shop it around but make it sure its copyrighted before you show it to anyone;… Continue reading

How do I get an agent?

Question by Lily R: How do I get an agent? I’m looking for an agent who deals with selling scripts in the UK.

I’ve got permission off of an American author to write the script to her book and… Continue reading

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