
Podcasting; It?s not Just for Ipods Anymore

by Antonis Lamnatos

Podcasting; It?s not Just for Ipods Anymore


What is Podcasting?



Podcasting is broadcasting on iPods or other MP3 Players. Created by ex MTV host Adam Curry, Podcasting is a new… Continue reading

why do DVDs come out months after the movie is not in theaters anymore?

Question by Fiona V: why do DVDs come out months after the movie is not in theaters anymore? Well… Why do they? I think it would make more sense if the DVD for a movie came out around a… Continue reading

I dunno what to think about Bret Hart anymore? (read details)?

Question by Black Tiger II: I dunno what to think about Bret Hart anymore? (read details)? when you guys ask about favourite all-time wrestlers, I always answer the same: tie between HBK and Bret Hart on their prime. And… Continue reading

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