
Blue Telephone Hat ☎

LADY GAGA LIKED THIS HAT. SHE SAID IT’S VERY CRAFTY! (At Monster Ball in Helsinki 13.10.2010) Blue Telephone Hat, everybody’s favorite! I show you how to make the Hat with some basic wares like carton, cardboard or cellular plastic (Finnfoam),… Continue reading

Red vs Blue Caboose

This is a tribute to private Caboose, from red vs blue, making a start on the blues. I used Simple Plan – “Shut Up” for the song. Caboose! Everyone’s fave! Yay for for the token dumbass huh? Disclaimer: I do… Continue reading

Behind the Scenes – Blue Ball Machine

A look at how we planned out and shot the infinitely looping monstrosity that is the Blue Ball Machine Video Rating: 4 / 5

Boy band Blue reveal Eurovision ‘anthemic blues’ song

Blue boy band talk about their competition on eurovision 🙂 Video Rating: 4 / 5

İvedik is a fearsome-looking uncultivated driver with a lot of aggression but a spark of goodness in him. Involved by accident in a street fight,… Continue reading

perfect blue unanswered?

Question by Dragan S: perfect blue unanswered? These first seven are not my own personal questions although they might as well be it’s as if the person had read right out of my mind, and that we’ve both come… Continue reading

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