
Do they really need to split the next harry potter book up into two movies?

by Joost J. Bakker IJmuiden

Question by Not A Real name: Do they really need to split the next harry potter book up into two movies? I’ve read all the books and understand that it is a long book… Continue reading

How does a book or movie get discovered?

by Verloren Jaren

Question by tasha: How does a book or movie get discovered? I love writing books and movies and I was wondering how does someone like me get my ideas out there. Like the steps to creating… Continue reading

Should they make a movie about the book “Alexander and the terrible horrible no good very bad day”?

by brandedchannels

Question by : Should they make a movie about the book “Alexander and the terrible horrible no good very bad day”? I’ve always loved that book and since they made a movie about “where the wild things are”… Continue reading

Are they making a movie from this book?

Question by Ya Ya: Are they making a movie from this book? I just read “Heart Shaped Box” by Joe Hill. It was soooo scary. Then I heard they were making a movie of it. Does anyone know?

Best… Continue reading

angus thongs and perfect snogging…are they going to make then next book into a movie?

Question by icle lissa: angus thongs and perfect snogging…are they going to make then next book into a movie?

Best answer:

Answer by peytnever heard of it

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