
What are characters in twilight that are in the first chapter of the book?

Question by Stephh: What are characters in twilight that are in the first chapter of the book? im making a sims2 movie for twilight and need to know the characters in the first chapter. i got bella, edward, charlie,… Continue reading

Q&A: im starting or at least trying to book here is the opening chapter what does everyone think.?

by ocean.flynn

Question by pet_guy: im starting or at least trying to book here is the opening chapter what does everyone think.? Good will Bigfoot hunting “hello my name is luke, i live in a quiet little town in… Continue reading

is the quote “We’re Making Italiano For You” from the book or only in the Twilight movie?

by Eva Rinaldi Celebrity and Live Music Photographer

Question by Cosima M: is the quote “We’re Making Italiano For You” from the book or only in the Twilight movie? If its in the book, what chapter?page? Thanks everybody, I… Continue reading

Q&A: does any1 know if there going to make a movie out of the book Twilight?

Question by uknowuluvme456: does any1 know if there going to make a movie out of the book Twilight? just wondering

Best answer:

Answer by BookwormIt’s been optioned for a movie, and the people who bought the film rights… Continue reading

Have they started filming the hunger games yet (the book series how there making it in to a movie)?

Question by : Have they started filming the hunger games yet (the book series how there making it in to a movie)?

Best answer:

Answer by him who is meno they havent started yet

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