What are characters in twilight that are in the first chapter of the book?
Question by Stephh: What are characters in twilight that are in the first chapter of the book? im making a sims2 movie for twilight and need to know the characters in the first chapter. i got bella, edward, charlie,… Continue reading
is the quote “We’re Making Italiano For You” from the book or only in the Twilight movie?
Question by Cosima M: is the quote “We’re Making Italiano For You” from the book or only in the Twilight movie? If its in the book, what chapter?page? Thanks everybody, I… Continue reading
Q&A: does any1 know if there going to make a movie out of the book Twilight?
Question by uknowuluvme456: does any1 know if there going to make a movie out of the book Twilight? just wondering
Best answer:
Answer by BookwormIt’s been optioned for a movie, and the people who bought the film rights… Continue reading
Have they started filming the hunger games yet (the book series how there making it in to a movie)?
Question by : Have they started filming the hunger games yet (the book series how there making it in to a movie)?
Best answer:
Answer by him who is meno they havent started yet
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