
Why has the book The Giver by Lois Lowry not been made into a movie?!?

by Verloren Jaren

Question by PeterPan1: Why has the book The Giver by Lois Lowry not been made into a movie?!? It is an AMAZING book and would be an AMAZING movie. My friend and I want to put… Continue reading

Q&A: Does anyone know if they are making the Book eldest the sequel to Eragon a movie?

Question by pirate captain: Does anyone know if they are making the Book eldest the sequel to Eragon a movie? I really hope they do. Even though the movie Eragon wasen’t much like the book they kept in all… Continue reading

Are there any people who actually prefer the movie rather than the book? (in any case)?

by marsmet541

Question by FAST HEDGEHOG: Are there any people who actually prefer the movie rather than the book? (in any case)? I prefer the book rather than the movie, no matter what it is. I know most people… Continue reading

Would you rather write one book that becomes a movie or a series that never becomes a movie?

Question by : Would you rather write one book that becomes a movie or a series that never becomes a movie? Now lets say the series was really good just too many and too complicated to make into a movie.And… Continue reading

who else thinks they should NOT make a movie out of the book twilight!?!?!??! they’re going to ruin it =(((((

by Steve Rhodes

Question by Bunny: who else thinks they should NOT make a movie out of the book twilight!?!?!??! they’re going to ruin it =((((( I know it isn’t coming out till 2010 or so, but I think… Continue reading

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