
Is the book ‘On the Road’ any good?and if so how do you feel about them making it into a movie?

Question by Jonny: Is the book ‘On the Road’ any good?and if so how do you feel about them making it into a movie? I have wanted to read this book ever since I saw the 2007 Russell Brand… Continue reading

Q&A: If the book Deception Point was turned into a movie who would be the actors?

Question by kx6593: If the book Deception Point was turned into a movie who would be the actors? I think this book would make a great movie with the right actors. Who do you think would do great for… Continue reading

What’s the word for taking a popular media franchise (movie, book, game, etc.) and…?

Question by Black-Indian Girl: What’s the word for taking a popular media franchise (movie, book, game, etc.) and…? making spin-offs, sequels, games, remakes, adaptations, etc. just for money? The companies that do this generate revenue and profits by “piggybacking”… Continue reading

What’s the word for taking a popular media franchise (movie, book, game, etc.) and….?

Question by Black-Indian Girl: What’s the word for taking a popular media franchise (movie, book, game, etc.) and….? making spin-offs, sequels, games, remakes, adaptations, etc. just for money? The companies that do this generate revenue and profits by “piggybacking”… Continue reading

iam on the third night world book. does anyone know if theyre going to make a movie out of the books?

by Verloren Jaren

Question by : iam on the third night world book. does anyone know if theyre going to make a movie out of the books? also does anyone know when strange fate is coming out? i think strange… Continue reading

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