Should there be a new Dick Tracy movie in a dotted comic book style? Who should play the role?
Question by Saint84scorpio: Should there be a new Dick Tracy movie in a dotted comic book style? Who should play the role? i believe so, the man for the part is Brad Pitt. anybody who find out… Continue reading
How to Make an Instant Book
Learn how to make a mini book from a single sheet of paper in an instant! These fun books are great for mini scrapbooks, holiday newsletters or cards with multi pages.
i want to make a movie but i dont know should i make a book or what?
Question by Ryan S: i want to make a movie but i dont know should i make a book or what? i heard alot of people made movies by making books and i have no many movie ideas but… Continue reading
Should they urn the Deltora Quest book series into a movie?
Question by Jake: Should they urn the Deltora Quest book series into a movie? I think the movies would be good but theres 15 books and it if one came out every year then that would take 15 years.… Continue reading
does it bother you when they make a movie from a book then republish it with the movie poster on the cover?
Question by Rusty (Basketball genius): does it bother you when they make a movie from a book then republish it with the movie poster on the cover? it bothers me for some reason…
Best answer:
Answer by dancing_dachshundYES!!!!… Continue reading