OK Artists Handmade Book Art Project: by Bret Syfert, Libby Rosof and Roberta Fallon
This video shows the production process of 100 handmade books for the OK Aritsts: A Memoir project. For more visit www.hydeslovelies.com Music by http
What book should I read that has’nt been made into a series or a movie?
Question by JAM: What book should I read that has’nt been made into a series or a movie? I have a independent reading project and I need a book that hasn’t been made into a series or a movie.… Continue reading
how to suggest a book be made into a movie?
Question by E.S.: how to suggest a book be made into a movie? I have read a few book that i think would be great as movies, high action and adventure. does anyone know of a… Continue reading
Liao-Fan’s Four Lessons – Changing Destiny (Originated from a Chinese book )(1 of 12)
Liao-Fan’s Four Lessons – Changing Destiny (Originated from a Chinese book called 了凡四訓) Download the English version of the book : Liao-Fan’s Four Lessions – Changing Destiny (PDF format) www.namoamitabha.net The VCD dat files of the movie are free for… Continue reading
Does anyone kno the name of the kids movie thats a coloring book and a girl goes to make it colorful again?
Question by Alanna f: Does anyone kno the name of the kids movie thats a coloring book and a girl goes to make it colorful again? i rember it being like she gose and trys to find out why… Continue reading