Are they making a movie out of the book Mortal kiss?
Question by LIBYESSNR: Are they making a movie out of the book Mortal kiss? Cause’ I heard something about Amanda Seifred (Not sure how I spelt that) staring in it?
Best answer:
Answer by KarenNever heard of that!!… Continue reading
Is the book Digital Fortress by Dan Brown going to be a movie?
Question by : Is the book Digital Fortress by Dan Brown going to be a movie? They made the Da Vinci Code and Angels and Demons movie and I wonder if they are going to make more movies… Continue reading
Q&A: I am thinking bout writing a book. How do you get a book published?
Question by BOB: I am thinking bout writing a book. How do you get a book published? Well. I am thinking about writing a book about the stuff that happens around me. How do I get it… Continue reading
Q&A: Twilight Movie out of each book?
Question by Amanda: Twilight Movie out of each book? i know that there is a twilight series of books. do they plan to make a movie out of each book?
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