Are they making the book Willow by Julia Hoban into a movie?
Question by Franny: Are they making the book Willow by Julia Hoban into a movie?
Best answer:
Answer by angelikI love Willow, and I’ve kinda looked into this in the past, but there doesn’t seem to be any… Continue reading
What is a good Sci-Fi book that they should make into a movie?
Question by Kevin J: What is a good Sci-Fi book that they should make into a movie?
Best answer:
Answer by BhndthemaskThe Host by Stephenie Meyer…she wrote the twilight books and the host is just amazing
Give your… Continue reading
Are they making a movie on Uglies the book by Scott Westerfled?
Question by JaneVolturi: Are they making a movie on Uglies the book by Scott Westerfled? Yes or no question, just awnser. Thanks : )
Best answer:
Answer by londoncalling089Yes, they just havent given the release dat out to… Continue reading
are they making a movie for each twilight book?
Question by Ju: are they making a movie for each twilight book?
Best answer:
Answer by Cassie jhopefully. if new moon does good then yes…
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