Gotye – Eyes Wide Open – official film clip
New album ‘Making Mirrors’ pre-order/ buy here Film clip for the Gotye song Eyes Wide Open, directed by Brendan Cook at PictureDRIFT, featuring character design and animation by Darcy Prendergast at DeePee Studios, and design and… Continue reading
TYT – Extended Clip August 10, 2011
The Largest Online News Show in the World. Google+: Facebook: Twitter: Subscribe: Video Rating: 4 / 5
how can I make a keyframed animation into a movie clip symbol on flash?
Question by raynaphoenix: how can I make a keyframed animation into a movie clip symbol on flash?
Best answer:
Answer by entropiiiIf I understand you correctly, when you insert your keyframe, there’s a little dot there. Click on… Continue reading
how can I make a keyframed animation into a movie clip symbol on flash?
Question by raynaphoenix: how can I make a keyframed animation into a movie clip symbol on flash?
Best answer:
Answer by entropiiiIf I understand you correctly, when you insert your keyframe, there’s a little dot there. Click on… Continue reading
How do I make the audio of a movie clip a file itself?
Question by abcd: How do I make the audio of a movie clip a file itself? Preferrably using softwares that come with windows
Best answer:
Answer by dzedepends on the filetype of the clip .. virtualdub… Continue reading