
What is a word to describe the inability to make a decision?

by LaughingRhoda

Question by Spark of Sanity: What is a word to describe the inability to make a decision? I sometimes find that I have a hard time choosing between two or more different options, relatively simple things like… Continue reading

Lastest Decision Making Movie News

1993-1994 Image by bloody marty mix Thursday, 18 September 2008.

40 Years in 40 Days [ view the entire set ] An examination and remembrance of a life at 40.

For the 40 days leading up to my 40th birthday,… Continue reading

Am I making a bad decision?

by PhOtOnQuAnTiQuE

Question by PC VS Mac: Am I making a bad decision? I have asked enough questions regarding Notebooks, but I think I am close to buying a Dell XPS M 1710.

The reasons are as listed below.… Continue reading

Laptop decision making and purchasing !?!?

Question by Sweet P: Laptop decision making and purchasing !?!? So I have decided to look into laptops for my next computer.

But during the process of looking through numerous amounts of laptops, I have ended up in a… Continue reading

Lastest Decision Making Movie News

Army group says there ARE atheists in foxholes The cliche notwithstanding, there are atheists in foxholes. Read more on WAFF 48 News Huntsville

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