
Lastest Digital Movie Making Software News

Discontinuous values Image by bricolage.108 Digital Harinezumi (100 iso) Bought it for making small movie clips, but thought i might as well give it a try for stills. I’m having trouble uploading .mov files, anyone knows a simple mac software… Continue reading

Growing Up in a Fishing Family by Leo Massey (a digital story from the Lake Illawarra MAP Project)

MENTOR WRITER: Rie Natalenko SYNOPSIS: To Leo, growing up in a fishing family was to have a magic childhood, and the things he learnt have stayed with him all through his life, even though he was one of the first… Continue reading

Lastest Digital Movie Making News

ION Television Inks Multi-Studio Deals to Acquire Major Theatrical Film Packages Part of the network’s commitment to expand its schedule with high profile, ‘positively entertaining’ programming, ION Television has inked multiple deals this month to acquire over 85 feature films.… Continue reading

Brewster Kahle: A digital library, free to the world Brewster Kahle is building a truly huge digital library — every book ever published, every movie ever released, all the strata of web history … It’s all free to the public — unless someone else gets to it first.… Continue reading

making/editing a movie with digital camera. plz help!?

by BenSpark

Question by heyyy4656: making/editing a movie with digital camera. plz help!? okay so me and my group just filmed our movie on a digital camera. we filmed it in parts now we need to put it together… Continue reading

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