
Apple, Google and Others: Vying for Prime Time in the Digital Living Room

Apple, Google and Others: Vying for Prime Time in the Digital Living Room On September 1, Apple CEO Steve Jobs launched the latest version of Apple TV, a set-top device that allows viewers to rent movies and TV shows. Meanwhile,… Continue reading

HP Unveils Print Solutions, Including 10 Industry-first Innovations, that Transform Print Features into Digital …

HP Unveils Print Solutions, Including 10 Industry-first Innovations, that Transform Print Features into Digital … NEW YORK–(BUSINESS WIRE)–HP (NYSE:HPQ) today announced multiple innovations across its printing portfolio, including 10 industry-first technologies that significantly improve how customers interact with their digital… Continue reading

No Budget Film Making – Digital Filmmaking Courses

by Xenoc

No Budget Film Making – Digital Filmmaking Courses

Are you tired of watching lousy low budget movie flicks and you think you can do better except you don’t know how? Well, you should take digital filmmaking courses and… Continue reading

How do I get rid of the digital noise when making a video using Windows Movie Maker?

Question by Din-din: How do I get rid of the digital noise when making a video using Windows Movie Maker? The videos I make turn out well enough, but there’s always this annoying static sound present when I play… Continue reading

The Making of Ruby – ATI’s digital superstar rendered on FirePro

Documentary of how RhinoFX developed the concept, the direction, 3D models and character animation for the ATI’s Ruby digital superstar.

The vast number of horses running in all of Lord of the rings movies and espectially in the third part… Continue reading

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