How to make a mad disco effect on any program
I personally made this on imovie. you can make this on after effects and even final cut pro and much more. as long if you can mess with the contrast you will be alright. including a windows movie maker!!!!
How to make a 3D Glossy effect in Photoshop
Well this video will show you how to make a 3D Glossy effect in Photoshop.. Here i used Photoshop CS5 but you can do it in any version… Its very easy and simple… Subscribe for more tricks and tutorials..… Continue reading
What is a good audio sound effect program?
Question by Chris Hendricks: What is a good audio sound effect program? I’m in the process of making a horror movie and i want to make some good sound effects for it. Is there a program out there where… Continue reading
PhotoShop CS5 Extended Tutorial: Cool Text Effect
BackGround link: Font Link: Keywords Tags For Youtube and Other Video Sharing Sites. Ok now we have our movie file but its rather large but dont worry too much about that as when we edit the file will… Continue reading
Windows Movie Maker // Effect #3
jaa.hab bissel rumexperimentiert und dann kam das dabei raus 😀 hoffe es gefällt euch :)) falls ihr photoscape noch nicht habt,dann könnt ihr es hier unter diesem link runterladen ;D credddit ;D main: bei fragen/requests bitte melden! ABONNIEREN… Continue reading