
Alice Human Sacrifice VOCALOID with English Lyrics

Alice Human Sacrifice from VOCALOID Lyrics: ”In some place, was a dream, Who dreamed it, was unkown Such a truly Tiny dream it was, The little dream thought, I don’t want to be vanishing like this, How do I get… Continue reading

Sharafat 1970 Movie Full With English Subtitles

sharafat 1970 movie Video Rating: 5 / 5

Cocktail (2010) – Malayalam Movie w/ English Subtitle

www.kadamkatha.webs.com ….another beautiful movie of 2010……inspired from the ‘Butterfly on the Wheel’…Jayasurya proves his caliber as a good actor…must watch w/ english subtitles Video Rating: 4 / 5

How can i decorate the small set for my english class movie?

Question by wha?: How can i decorate the small set for my english class movie? we need artifact looking things from all over the world. problem is we dont have this. How can we creatively make a set with… Continue reading

Do they make a DVD player that can change a spanish movie to english?

by trontnort

Question by bj.lemay: Do they make a DVD player that can change a spanish movie to english?

Best answer:

Answer by Tiffany JohnsonNO. But the DVD might have that feature as well as subtitles

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