
I need to make a movie poster on a book for English, but I need help?

by Phil Dragash

Question by a semblance: I need to make a movie poster on a book for English, but I need help? I read “The Host” for our independent reading unit, and now I have to make a… Continue reading

Are there any hieroglyphic scripts made for writing English?

by elsamuko

Question by Ray K: Are there any hieroglyphic scripts made for writing English? Are there any options for people who don’t want their child to learn how to read and write?

Best answer:

Answer by werevampyraYes,… Continue reading

Chirunavu Part 2 Telugu Comedy Movie English Subtitles

Chirunavu Part 2 Telugu Comedy Movie English Subtitles Video Rating: 4 / 5

Clima de Terror – pt1 ( English subtitles )

( Climate of Terror ) ( English subtitles ) Documentário discute como a mídia se utiliza do medo para manter seu ibope e que reflexos isso pode trazer na sociedade. Trabalho de conclusão de curso dos alunos Rodrigo T. Sousa,… Continue reading

Please Help! Im making a movie for my english class, and i want to add a video clip?

Question by Dee: Please Help! Im making a movie for my english class, and i want to add a video clip? i want to try and incorporate a video from youtube or even another website. im using windows movie… Continue reading

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