Android Application Development Tutorial – Android Service Example
Class 3, Part 2. This video comes from Marakana’s 5-Day Android Bootcamp Training Course, which Marko Gargenta taught in San Jose, CA earlier this year. In this Android services example, Marko will show you how to create an Android service… Continue reading
Linear Algebra: Gram-Schmidt Process Example
Using Gram-Schmidt to find an orthonormal basis for a plane in R3
Minecraft – Craftbook Basic Mob Spawner [MC1200] and Item Spawner [MC1201] with Wishing Well Example
Example on how to create basic Mob and Item Spawner ICs for multiplayer servers with the CraftBook plug-in installed. This also shows an example use for both. Item Spawner wiki documentation: Mob Spawner wiki documentation: General CraftBook wiki:… Continue reading
Need help with cold calling example… Please Help Me!!! I’m very confused!!?
Question by OLiVeRs MoMmY: Need help with cold calling example… Please Help Me!!! I’m very confused!!? Now write a script for the following scenario and include 3 components 1) brief introduction about who we are and why… Continue reading