DK Global Corporate Short Films

Today’s economy requires a unique, fresh marketing approach. You need a marketing plan that works! Your company deserves a dynamic message that impacts your customers and persuasively presents your unique services, an engaging video that demonstrates your company’s strengths. Corporate… Continue reading

Sherwood Pictures Makes Faith-Based Films That Make Big Money

Sherwood Pictures Makes Faith-Based Films That Make Big Money No church is more successful at movie making than Sherwood Baptist. Read more on Fox News

Guns N’ Korn Tour- A Perfect Circle’s New Lineup- Slipknot Movie- Def Leppard Beer- Rock… Continue reading

8 Stunning Blender Made Short Films And Animations You Must See

while making a time lapse Image by Pascal \o/ 218/365

Today downloaded some software (Timelord) to control my camera in order to make time lapse movies.

Since not all POTD groups accept movies, this is my ‘official’ picture… Continue reading

Movie review: ‘The Town’ one of best films of the year

Recovery 04 Image by joseph beuys hat Rehab worked. I left the big house in April 1996 & went into sheltered accommodation; a room in a house shared with two others. We got on with each other apart from those… Continue reading

Capsule reviews of films playing the week of Sept. 15

New Moon Image by §atsukiame Just a Movie poster I made for New moon. I plan on making one with Taylor in it later on when I find a good enough picture…

I just noticed that it… kind of looks… Continue reading

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