
What is that Movie where they have all these people going into trips with virtual reality goggles?

by angus mcdiarmid

Question by paradigm: What is that Movie where they have all these people going into trips with virtual reality goggles? the one guy goes into a reality where he is Jimi Hendrix live and I think… Continue reading

Call of Duty Night Vision Goggles : BFX

Shooting a military or spy film and need some awesome night vision goggles?! Well you’ve come to the right place! Watch as Zack teaches you how to make a light up pair of night vision goggles for less then bucks!… Continue reading

SteamPunk Goggles Threadbanger Crossover : BFX

Evenin’ Gov’na! How lucky you are to have that datascope (aka computer); for now you can build yourself some SteamPunk Goggles for your next bioscope (aka movie)! Check out this Friday’s episode of ThreadBanger to get the designs for your… Continue reading

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