
Is there a term used for dummy internet sites having only header of a subject but no information?

by Motelface

Question by Unam_Unseen: Is there a term used for dummy internet sites having only header of a subject but no information? There are some internet terms such as “troll” for silly messages or “spam” for advertisement mails.… Continue reading

How can I stop having bad dreams?

Question by ???: How can I stop having bad dreams? I’ve been having allot of bad dreams lately and I havent been able to sleep well. This has been going on for months and I cant take it any… Continue reading

can a person make it in the movie business without having gone to film school?

Question by iwantsomeonetoeatcheeesewith: can a person make it in the movie business without having gone to film school?

Best answer:

Answer by Skittles_14if ur talented i guess

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What movie website can I watch American Pie on, without having to download anything?

Question by meeee: What movie website can I watch American Pie on, without having to download anything? Please make sure its the first American Pie, and that its the FULL movie, not just a clip. Thank you.

Best answer:… Continue reading

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