
Joomla! 2.5 Tutorial – Templates

Joomla 2.5 Video Tutorial – A quick look at the front-end and administrator templates installed in Joomla! 2.5 and the JoomlArt T3 Template Framework 2.0. Fo…

Joomlashack University: How to Install Joomla Joomlashack University is the easiest and fastest way to learn how to build a Joomla powered website. As many people know, Joomla isn’t the easiest software to learn by trying to teach yourself. Learning Joomla without help means long,… Continue reading

Joomla Template Maker is where you can learn more about this tool and how to get it. Needless to say I think it is beyond amazing and saves you literally weeks of time in trying to develop a UNIQUE Joomla template. Whether… Continue reading

Making a Joomla! template in 30 minutes with JAT3 Framework – (Video #5 – Usertheme Part 1/2)

In this tutorial we will show you how to develop a JA T3 Framework 2.0 user theme. *** Content: * preparations * customize logo * customize search module * customize cpanel * customize spotlights * customize navbar * customize pathway… Continue reading

Joomla Content Management Basic In this video, we’re going to introduce Joomla and explain the basics of content, sections & categories. If you’re already familiar with these concepts, don’t worry, we cover the basics and move on into much more detail as… Continue reading

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