
Kingdom Hearts Tribute – Hero

Alright, there was a copyright claim on this so idk how long it’s gonna be here… but enjoy while you can since i disputed it lol (btw I did make this, just not the song) I like this amv, mostly… Continue reading

Comment on The destiny of this pageant lies in the Kingdom of Oil by Loh

Comment on The destiny of this pageant lies in the Kingdom of Oil by Loh UMNO would not have gotten this far without the support of MCA and MIC. Trim the branches first, and UMNO will die along. Read more… Continue reading

His kingdom for a book

His kingdom for a book DRC/David Minton Kelly McQueary is pictured in his Little Elm bookstore, Camelot, on Saturday.LITTLE ELM – Philosophy and Native American wisdom books perch near the cash register inside Kelly McQueary’s used bookstore, Camelot. A MacBook… Continue reading

Kingdom Hearts 2 The Movie:epi 3

ok the 2nd day in twilight town…epi 4 would take longer than i expected epi 4 n 5 should be rite nxt after i uploaded this but epi 4 is too i have to split epi 4 which would… Continue reading

The Best of Kingdom Hearts: Ultimate Team-Up Compilation

WARNING! ANY COMMENT CONTAINING DIRECT PROFANITY WILL BE DELETED, BLOCKED & REMOVED! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! No plot this time. It’s the “Best Of” video! YAY! For those of you who are new to this series and are confused by… Continue reading

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