
Q&A: In the movie T2, What was the make and model of the lever action shot gun the Terminator used?

Question by blackbyrd: In the movie T2, What was the make and model of the lever action shot gun the Terminator used? I need to know if that is a real weapon or was it just some prop guy’s… Continue reading

In the movie T2, what was the make and model of the lever action shot gun the Terminator used?

Question by blackbyrd: In the movie T2, what was the make and model of the lever action shot gun the Terminator used? Yea, I know I asked this question in the movie category… but I thought comic book guys… Continue reading

Johnny Lever sings Kajraare – Kaash Mere Hote

www.erosentertainment.com Bollywood.. Anytime, Anywhere Video Rating: 4 / 5

++READ VERY IMPORTANT++ So, part 13 is HERE! I know this part is all over the place, but next one will be better (I Hope). And ALOT of spelling mistakes! ـــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــ… Continue reading

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