
Q&A: If movie camera can make one look 10 pounds heavier. The same happens with photography?

Question by theotherflapper: If movie camera can make one look 10 pounds heavier. The same happens with photography?

Best answer:

Answer by thehistorymansure, why not?

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

iMovie: How To Make It Look More Like Final Cut Pro X

In this video, I show you how to make iMovie look more like Final Cut Pro X, in three steps.

Why camcorder videos do not look like the movies we see in cinema?

Question by Goldenshuttle: Why camcorder videos do not look like the movies we see in cinema? Video’s we shoot using our camcorder or any video camera does not produce a feeling similar to the movies we watch in the… Continue reading

Q&A: Why camcorder videos do not look like the movies we see in cinema?

Question by Goldenshuttle: Why camcorder videos do not look like the movies we see in cinema? Video’s we shoot using our camcorder or any video camera does not produce a feeling similar to the movies we watch in the… Continue reading

Q&A: Make an amateur film look more professional?

by Chris Devers

Question by Kelly Ann: Make an amateur film look more professional? I have a regular video camera and I’m really interested in film making, but it’s hard to get started when it’s just you with an… Continue reading

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