
Justin Timberlake on leaving music for movies: ‘People look at me like I’m ungrateful’

Justin Timberlake on leaving music for movies: ‘People look at me like I’m ungrateful’ “My first two albums, I woke up and it was undeniable what I had to be doing. I had to be making an album,” Timberlake said.… Continue reading

Kate Bosworth: I wanted to look grimy in movie

Kate Bosworth: I wanted to look grimy in movie Kate Bosworth had to have her teeth made yellow for the role in her new movie The Warrior’s Way. Read more on Cover Media via Yahoo! Philippines News

Vampires Suck: Extended… Continue reading

How can you style your hair to look like Kristen Stewart’s in Twilight?

Question by busterinthearmy: How can you style your hair to look like Kristen Stewart’s in Twilight? I think her hair is gorgeous in that movie, and I’m curious how to make loose waves like hers. Anybody know?

Best answer:… Continue reading

What jobs should I look into?

Question by Leah L: What jobs should I look into? I really like art type things. I also would aspire to be an actress. If that doesn’t work out, I need a back up plan. I would like things… Continue reading

Pixar Short: Day & Night – An Inside Look

DAY & NIGHT is showing right before TOY STORY 3 in theaters now! You can now buy your movie tickets directly on Facebook to see TOY STORY 3 at DisneyTicketsTogether.com . Want to see TOY STORY 3 with your best… Continue reading

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